Christine A. Aidala, Yale University / WNSL, Yale UniversityTitle: An investigation of the Production of Nuclei Far from Stability Via Nuclear Fusion-Evaporation Reactions Authors: C.A. Aidala, R. Casten, V. Zamfir (WNSL, Yale University) Abstract: The Monte Carlo code PACE was used to calculate nuclear fusion-evaporation cross-sections in order to seach for means of producing various nuclei far from the valley of stability. Simulations were performed for beams and targets ranging in mass from 12 to 144 amu. Incident beam enegies ranged from 25 to 350 MeV. The data was examined in a number of different manners. For a particular beam and target, the effect of incident energy on the cross-section of the evaporation channel (combination of n and p evaporated) was investigated. Correlations between the numbers of n and p evaporated for different reactant isotopes as well as for different incident energies were studied. In the production of the same compound system using projectiles with different atomic mass, the effect of A on the cross-section of various channels was explored. Additionally, the effect of the excitation energy of the compound system on the cross-section of different channels was examined. |