Austin Godber, Arizona State University / Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator FacilityTitle: h and h' Photoproduction at CEBAF Authors: A. Godber, B.G. Ritchie, M. Dugger (Arizona State University); Hall B Collaboration (Jefferson Lab) Abstract: Investigations of h(549) and
h'(958) meson photoproduction
on the proton provide great insight into the structure of these mesons
and their interactions with the nucleon and its excited states. At CEBAF,
these cross sections are being measured using the CEBAF Large Acceptance
Spectrometer (CLAS) and the Hall B Photon Tagger. The h cross sections
will be measured with greater precision than previous experiments,
while at the same time, the measurments will be extended to much higher
energies. Precision measurements of h' photoproduction cross sections
will be made for the first time. Preliminary results to be shown include
raw missing
mass spectra and several examples of cuts which reduce the background
beneath the peaks of interest.