Jeremy Huddleston, Abilene Christian University / Brookhaven National Laboratory
Title: Target Length Dependency for Reconstructing Product Angles
with the Crystal Ball Detector
Authors: J. Huddleston, M. Sadler (Abilene Christian University)
Abstract: Experiments 913 and 914 are fixed target experiments using
the Crystal Ball detector for baryon spectroscopy at Brookhaven National
Laboratory. The Crystal Ball is a four-pi detector that was originally
used for head on collision experiments at SLAC in the 1970's. It
is made up of 672 sodium iodide crystals, forming a spherical shape (less
an entrance and exit tunnel) with photomultiplier tubes attached to each
crystal. A proton (hydrogen) target is used with an incident beam
of either kaons or pions, depending on the desired reaction. The
focus of my poster will concern how changes in the target length would
affect the Crystal Ball's ability to reconstruct angles from energy clusters
within the detector produced by the reactions.