Bryan E. Tomlin, Clark University / Yale UniversityTitle: Mass Measurement of 4.74-minute Se-71 by Beta-Gamma Coincidence SpectroscopyAuthors: B.E. Tomlin, D.S. Brenner, C.J. Barton (Clark University); V. Zamfir, B. Liu (WNSL, Yale University)Abstract: b-ray end-point energies for the decay of 71Se and other nuclides in this mass region weremeasured using a plastic scintillator-double Ge positron-gamma coincidence spectrometer at the Yale University Tandem Van de Graaff Accelerator. Analysis of the results is in progress. Mass excess values for these nuclides will be reported and compared with predictions of mass formulae and with extrapolations based on systematic properties of other nuclei. Accurate masses for 71Se and other neutron-deficient nuclides in this mass region are of interest because they lie near the predicted termination point of the stellar r-p process. |