GSH 193-01+026

Right Ascension (hh mm): 06 09
Declination (deg): 17.25
Reference Velocity (km/s): 26.39
Delta RA (hh mm): 00 07
Delta Dec (deg): 1.25
Delta V (km/s): 27.85
Mean Angular Diameter (deg): 1.30
Shape parameter: 0.76

Kinematic Distances Information
    Kinematic Distance (kpc): 11
    Allowed Range (kpc): 3 to -
Inferred Shell Size
    Shell Diameter (pc): 250
    Allowed Range (pc): 68 to -
Distance Notes:
       Seems associated with spiral structure but kinematic distances are too large for spiral structure in this direction (actually at 2.5 kpc not 10 kpc). May be affected dramatically by streaming motions. Kinematic distances could well be inaccurate.

Expansion Velocity Information
    Velocity of Front Wall Vf (km/s): -5
        Spectrum complex, and constantly changing histogram limits are required to follow its morphology vs. velocity.
    Minimum 'Shell-like' velocity V1 (km/s): 3
    Maximum 'Shell-like' velocity V2 (km/s): 31
    Lower Limit on Vexp (km/s): 18 (from Vf and V2)