Radiation Pressure on Large, Lightweight Mirrors Orbiting Exoplanets


The fleet of mirrors mentioned in the previous project would need to be large in order to redirect enough starlight, and have low mass to save launch and fuel costs. Because of this, starlight will exert enough force on them to affect their orbit stability. This prompted us to explore how radiation pressure affects the orbits of large, lightweight mirrors around exoplanets.

Research Project

Dr. S., Dr. Korpela, and a series of undergraduate students have created a package that uses the REBOUND N-body integrator (to simulate the orbits of large (1 km2) lightweight (1000 kg) mirrors orbiting potentially habitable exoplanets, exploring which orbits will be stable or quasi-stable in the presence of radiation pressure.

In the movie below, the blue circle represents the planet, which has the same size and mass as Earth and is located at the inner edge of the habitable zone of a low-mass, dim, red, M5 main-sequence star. In this scenario, the mirror is initially in a circular orbit 10 planet radii from the planet center, orbiting in the same direction as the planet. The radiation pressure is calculated assuming the mirror is always redirecting starlight towards the planet center. The mirror orbit trajectory is shown in a (non-inertial) rotating reference frame, in which the star is always at the origin, so radiation pressure always comes from the left. Without radiation pressure, this mirror survives 1000 orbits, but with radiation pressure, it escapes the planet's influence quite quickly.

In the movie below, planet and star are as described above. This time the mirror is initially in a circular orbit 3 planet radii from the planet center, and the radiation pressure is calculated assuming the mirror redirects starlight towards the planet center only when it is on the night side of the planet, and is edge-on to the star (experiencing no RP) the rest of the time.The mirror orbit trajectory is again shown in a (non-inertial) rotating reference frame, with radiation pressure always coming from the left. It is apparent that radiation pressure has a smaller impact on the mirror orbit in this situation.

Wisconsin Space Conference Presentations by Students

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Last updated May, 2024