You answered Question #1 correctly...Good!

Question #2 is a bit trickier because it has multiple parts:

a.  Prior to 1989, what was the nickname for the UW-L men's sports teams?

b.  Prior to 1989, what was the nickname for the UW-L women's sports teams?

c.  What was the first name for the building that housed the college of business from 1975-2020?

d.  In what year was Centennial Hall completed?


                            Men's team name:    Women's team:        Building name:        Year completed:

 Choice #   Answer to "Part a"    Answer to "Part b"    Answer to "Part c"    Answer to "Part d"

        1.        River Rats                Lady Rats                Main Hall                    1901

        2.        River Rats                Fighting Mice          Wing Center                1925

        3.        River Rats               Beachcombers        Centennial Hall            2009

        4.        Indians                    Indians                    Wittich Hall                  1909

        5.        Indians                    Roonies                   North Hall                    2011

        6.        Indians                    Maidens                  Main Hall                      1956

        7.        Mud Cats                Lady Cats               Wing Center                  1965

        8.        Mud Cats                War Eagles             Centennial Hall             1974

        9.        Mud Cats                Vixen                      Wittich Hall                    1901

        10.      Muskrats                Lady Muskrats         North Hall                      1925

        11.      Muskrats                Warhawks                Main Hall                       2009

        12.      Muskrats                Musketeers              Wing Center                  1909

        13.      Crusaders              Lady Crusaders       Centennial Hall              2011

        14.      Crusaders              Dragonslayers         Wittich Hall                    1956

        15.      Crusaders              Iron Maiden             North Hall                      1965

        16.      Rebels                  Scarletts                   Main Hall                       1974

        17.      Rebels                  Roonies                    Wittich Hall                    1901

        18.      Rebels                  Southern Belles        North Hall                      1925


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