Dean Jones says:

"I think eight independent study projects per semester is reasonable, don't you agree?"


Your response options:

1. EIGHT per semester?  With all due respect sir, you are crazy.  That is SIXTEEN projects per year!  There is no way that I can supervise SIXTEEN independent study projects per year! 

I think that two projects per year is a more realistic number.


2. EIGHT per semester?  With all due respect sir, you are crazy.  That is SIXTEEN projects per year!  There is no way that I can supervise SIXTEEN independent study projects per year!

I think that four projects per year is a more realistic number.


3. EIGHT per semester?  With all due respect sir, you are crazy.  That is SIXTEEN projects per year!  There is no way that I can supervise SIXTEEN independent study projects per year!

I think that five projects per year is a more realistic number.