Dean Jones says:

"Wonderful!  We have an agreement!

Just to summarize, you have agreed to the following:  

**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years.  At each  conference you will agree to interview (professor) job candidates for our college, if there is a need.

** You also agree to spend ten hours in the summer recruiting high school seniors to attend our university.

**$1,000 for software to analyze data

**$15,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 74th percentile; in return you promise to develop an plan for an Executive Education program.  The written plan is due one year from today.

**One graduate research assistant for TWO calendar years

**Required to teach four summer sessions, none of which count toward your teaching load

**You will serve on a summer task force to re-design the core curriculum in the college of business

**Five-day a week teaching schedule.

Welcome to our university!"



This agreement has its "positives" and "negatives" for you:

The positives:

Your salary is above average, and you did get a graduate research assistant for two calendar years,

The negatives: 

You have a very high teaching load -- and your summers will be "packed" with activity; this will probably cut into your research/writing time.  FOUR summer sessions of teaching?  Plus recruiting high school seniors and interviewing new faculty? 

Frankly, you could have gotten a better agreement.  Click here to try again.