Dean Jones says:

"Well, the first semester's schedule is already 'set', but I can agree to an adjustment in the following semester's schedule, to three-days-a-week.  Yes, I will agree to that.  And I am willing to increase your travel funding to two per year. OK?  We seem to have a deal:


**TWO guaranteed trips to a conference each year for two years

**$1,000 for software to analyze data

**$15,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 55th percentile

**One graduate research assistant for THREE calendar years; in return, you agree to apply for external funding and you agree to list our university as your co-affiliation on any already-started projects.

**Required to submit EITHER one manuscript to a refereed journal OR one grant proposal to an external funding agency by the end of the first summer.  Otherwise, you agree to teach Two summer sessions, none of which count toward your teaching load in a subsequent summer.

**Five-day a week teaching schedule for the first semester.  Three-day-per-week teaching schedule for the second academic semester.



You got an above-average salary and a good allowance for hardware.  You also got one graduate student for three years and funding for two conference trips.  However, your regular academic-year teaching schedule for the first semester was not favorable and you only got $1,000 for software.  You may wish to try again to see if you can get a more favorable agreement.