Dean Jones says:

"Good!  We have an agreement!


Therefore, this is the contract:

 **TWO guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

 **$1,300 for software to analyze data

 **$10,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**One graduate research assistant for one year

 **A nine-month salary at the 51st percentile

 **Required to teach one summer session; it will not count toward your regular (nine-month) teaching load

 **Three-days-a-week teaching schedule for Fall and two-days-a-week teaching schedule for the following Spring."



While you did negotiate an above-average salary, it is not significantly above average.  Also, the hardware budget is low and the software budget may or may not meet your needs.  On the other hand, you did negotiate two conference trips and a reduced teaching load.  Click here if you wish to play again.