Dean Jones says:

"There is NO WAY I can afford that.  $25,000 is out of the question.  Let me see the list of equipment you want to purchase...

(silently studies the list)

Saaay...Several of these equipment pieces we already own and some of those are sitting in storage, unused at this very moment.  Yes, if I let you 'borrow' those for two years to establish your lab, then you can apply for a grant at a later date to secure them on a more permanent basis.


Therefore, this is the contract package I'd like to offer you:

 **ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

 **$1,400 for software to analyze data

 **$19,720 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**One graduate research assistant for one year

 **A nine-month salary at the 50th percentile

 **Required to teach one summer session, it does not count toward your regular academic-year teaching load

 **Three-days-a-week teaching schedule for Fall and two-days-a-week teaching schedule for the following Spring.

**It is understood that all royalties and licensing fees resulting from any commercial by-products of the research will go to the college."


Your Response:

1.  I accept your kind and generous offer.

2.  YYY

3.  YYY

4.  Since we are wanting to establish a permanent research laboratory, perhaps we should extend the length of time that a graduate research assistant works in the laboratory; don't you agree?