Travel Funds

As a scholar, you want to travel to conferences to keep up with the most current ideas and research findings. 

You will be guaranteed travel funds for ONE conference annually where you are presenting a research paper.

However, what about additional conference presentations?  You would like to have those 'extra presentations' funded also.  This is a priority for you, because it increases your personal reputation in the field.


Also, you would like to occasionally attend other conferences and professional workshops where you are not presenting a paper.  What about those? 

You would like to receive guaranteed travel funds sufficient to cover the cost of registration, meals, transportation, and hotel accommodations for these 'other' conferences per year.  (This is not actually a high priority for you, because you anticipate giving lots of paper presentations.  It is just nice to have as an "Extra.")


Outcomes range from 0 to 3 guaranteed conferences per year for your first two years.


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