Dean Jones says:

"Oh we don't pay extra for 'service.'  We just expect you to do all forms of 'service' as part of your job.  If you don't, we fire you, ha!!!


Anyway, here is the new contract package, for your review:

**FOUR guaranteed trips to conferences each year for two years

**$1,201 for software to analyze data

**$10,137 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 86th percentile

**Required to teach only TWO summer sessions, neither of which count toward your teaching load for the nine-month academic year.

**Three-day a week teaching schedule.

Welcome aboard!"



This was a wonderful deal for you in terms of salary and most other items on your negotiation list. 

REFLECT:  How did you get those items?  Can you relate your tactics to what has been covered in class?

You may wish to try again to see if you can get an even better deal.