Dean Jones says:

"Great!  Welcome to our university!


Here is the new contract package we agreed upon:

**TWO guaranteed trips to conferences each year for two years

**$1,000 for software to analyze data

**$10,320 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 57th percentile

**Required to teach TWO summer sessions, neither of which count toward your teaching load

**Three-day a week teaching schedule, during the regular school year."



This was an OK agreement.  You got an above-average salary.  You also got two guaranteed trips instead of one (as initially offered).  You got a modest increase in hardware.  You also got to teach fewer summer sessions, and a three-day-a-week teaching schedule during the academic year, both of which give you extra time to write.  Of course, making those schedule adjustments didn't really cost the Dean anything.  Still, it was valuable to you.