Dean Jones says:

(Dean Jones pauses while looking carefully at a spreadsheet).

"Hmmm...You know what?  Because you have been so agreeable about the software, I think I can build in a "guarantee" in that IF the external university committee doesn't approve the other $2,500 funding request, THEN my office will guarantee you an extra $500 for software.  Of course, that is nowhere near what the university's "Technology Fund" can provide, but at least it is something...$3,000 to be exact, ha!


To summarize, here is our agreement:  

**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years.  At each  conference you will agree to recruit and interview job candidates for our college, if there is a need.

** You also agree to spend ten hours in the summer recruiting high school seniors to our university.

**$2,500 for software to analyze data.  In return, you agree to submit a request for $2,500 more to the University's Technology Fund. 

******If granted, then you will have a total of $5,000 worth of software. 

******If that request is denied, then the CBA Dean's Office will supply an additional $500 for technology, for a total of $3,000 for software.

**$15,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 74th percentile

**One graduate research assistant for TWO calendar years

**Required to teach four summer sessions, none of which count toward your teaching load

**You will serve on a summer task force to re-design the core curriculum in the college of business

**Five-day-a-week teaching schedule in Fall and Spring semesters."



This was a pretty good agreement for you:  You got a high salary and you got better than minimum for hardware and software -- with a back-up guarantee by the Dean for your software needs.  Also, you got a graduate assistant for two years.

On the other hand, you have obligated yourself to a heavy teaching load and your summer will be filled with activities that may be low priority for you.  Click here to play again to see if you can get an even better deal.