Dean Jones says:

"Very well, because you are new and just getting your research program underway, I'll agree to your teaching ONLY THREE summer sessions.  However, in return you must agree to take in 50% more students than normal in each of the three sessions you do teach during the summer. 

OK.  It looks like we have a deal on that issue:


**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years.  At each  conference you will agree to recruit and interview (professor) job candidates for our college, if there is a need.

** You also agree to spend ten hours in the summer recruiting high school seniors to attend our university.

**$1,000 for software to analyze data

**$15,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 74th percentile; in return you promise to develop an plan for an Executive Education program.  The written plan is due one year from today.

**One graduate research assistant for TWO calendar years

**Required to teach three summer sessions with enrollment 50% larger than normal. None of the summer sessions will count toward your teaching load.

**You will serve on a summer task force to re-design the core curriculum in the college of business

**Five-day a week teaching schedule."

Your response:

1.  Can we discuss that "enrollment will larger than 50% of the normal load" part?

2.  Can we discuss the part of your proposal that says that none of my summer classes will count toward my normal (9-month) teaching load?

3.  Can we discuss the "Five-day-a-week teaching schedule?"