Dean Jones says:

"Good.  We have an agreement!  I can see you are someone with excellent judgment.  Here is the new contract package we have agreed upon:

**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

**$1,000 for software to analyze data

**$10,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 50th percentile

**Required to teach three summer sessions, none of which count toward your teaching load

**Five-day a week teaching schedule."



This was not a bad contract for you in terms of salary and hardware.  However, you will be teaching a lot, including in the summer; this will negatively impact your ability to have "big blocks of time" for writing and for doing research.  Also, some topics, such as a research assistant, were not even discussed.  Click here to play again.  Perhaps you can secure a more favorable deal.