Dean Jones says:

"Yes, you are correct.  We do have a few individuals who haven't kept current with their research...What exactly is your point?"


You say:

"We agree that a few of your faculty members are, shall we say, struggling to keep up their research portfolios.  Suppose I involve some of these faculty in my research program? I'm confident that I can persuade at least a few of them to work on some of the papers with me...Does that idea sound good to you?


Dean Jones says:

"Yes, that idea sounds wonderful!  Hmmm... If you'd undertake to 'reinvigorate' some faculty members whose research has lapsed, then I'd be willing to pay for that effort... Let me study the budget a bit...

Yes, I will compensate you at the 94th percentile.  And your mentoring effort will probably take time.  So I will reduce the number of summer sessions that you teach to two summer sessions.  I think I can work with your department chair to get you scheduled next spring for two-days-a-week classes. 


Here is the contract package I'd like to offer you:

**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

**$1,449 for software to analyze data

**$15,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 94th percentile.  In return, you agree to list at least two of our existing faculty as co-authors on at least one of the papers that you submit to a journal in the next two years.

**One graduate research assistant for Three calendar years; in return, you agree to apply for external funding and you agree to list our university as your co-affiliation on any already-started projects.

**Required to teach two summer sessions, neither of which count toward your teaching load

**Five-day-a-week teaching schedule for the Fall Semester and a two-day-a-week teaching schedule for the following Spring Semester."


How will you respond?

1.  I accept your kind and generous offer.

2.  If you reduce the number of days per week that I teach in the Fall to "two", then I will accept your kind and generous offer.