Dean Jones says:

"I just raised my offer to the 65th percentile.  What could lead you to think that a salary at the 94th percentile could possibly be justified?"


You say:

"Of course, you are free to offer the salary that you think best.  If I were in your position, I might be equally skeptical of my proposal. 

However, you and I have two things in common: 

First, we both like to solve problems -- I can tell because you are involved so extensively in this negotiation; you obviously have 'done your homework' and understand the job market as well as your own needs. 

Second, we both like to get research published.  I too have 'done my homework' and I see that there are a few people in my future department who are currently not publishing.  That won't look good for our college at re-accreditation time, right?


For Dean Jones' response, click here.