Dean Jones says:

"Well, Ideally, I'd like you to do it all...However, if I had to choose, I'd prefer to see you publish some research papers.  After all, I can 'plug in' a temporary adjunct instructor to teach one or two summer session classes.  However, productive researchers are 'few and far between'.


Tell you what:  If you will guarantee one written paper submitted to a refereed journal AND one grant proposal submitted to an external funding agency, then I'll 'let you off the hook' with regard to teaching summer school. 


HOWEVER, if you do NOT produce those written documents, then the following summer, you must teach two summer sessions.

How does this arrangement sound to you?"

Your response:

1.  It sounds good.  I agree.

2.  How about if I guarantee to submit only one of those two documents.  After all, you want me to produce quality products, don't you?  Also, is there any way you can reduce my teaching load from five days a week to, say, two?  I want to be a good teacher and a good researcher... 

3.  How about if I guarantee one research paper and one conference paper (with funding for travel)?  Also, is there any way you can reduce my teaching load from five days a week to, say, two?  I want to be a good teacher and a good researcher...