Dean Jones says:

"Why do you want to teach only one Summer session?  Don't you think you can handle year-round teaching?


This is the contract package I'd like to offer you. It remains unchanged:

 **ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

 **$1,000 for software to analyze data

 **$10,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

 **A nine-month salary at the 25th percentile

 **Required to teach three summer sessions, none of which count toward your teaching load

 **Three-days-a-week teaching schedule for Fall and two-days-a-week teaching schedule for the following Spring."


Your Response:

1.  It is not that I can't 'handle year-round teaching'...However, don't you agree that writing should be my top priority for the summer?  Summer is a prime time to write up my research studies and teaching three summer sessions will severely 'cut into' that.  Also, because I am giving up some summer income, can you increase my salary?

2.  It is not that I can't 'handle year-round teaching'...However, don't you want me to contribute to the university in other ways?  Summer is a prime time for committees and task forces to meet and teaching three summer sessions will severely 'cut into' that.  Also, because I am giving up some summer income, can you increase my salary?


3.  As a show of good faith, I will agree to teach TWO Summer Sessions, provided one of those will count toward my normal teaching load.  Also, because I am giving up some summer income, can you increase my salary?