Dean Jones says:

"Good!  One more thing...I would really like you to apply for a large  external grant by the end of your first summer at our university.  Here's the arrangement:  If it gets funded, you will get a significant boost in salary -- to the 99th percentile. 

However, if it is not funded, I still want to compensate you for your effort.  I am prepared to offer you a one-time bonus that will raise your pay to the equivalent of 1 percentile.  Therefore, if your grant is not funded you will get an equivalent of pay at the 92nd percentile.

Therefore, this is the contract package I'd like to offer you:

 **THREE guaranteed trips to conferences each year for two years

 **$1,400 for software to analyze data

 **$19,720 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**One graduate research assistant for three years

**A nine-month salary at the 91st percentile

 **Required to teach one summer session, which does not count toward your regular, academic-year teaching load

 **Three-days-a-week teaching schedule for Fall and two-days-a-week teaching schedule for the following Spring.

**It is understood that all royalties and licensing fees resulting from any commercial by-products of the research will go to the college.

**It is agreed that you will develop a plan, with accompanying instructional materials, so that Eldorado University can start offering short-term courses for executives

**You agree to teach in the Eldorado University Executive Education program over in years 2-4.

**You agree apply for a externally-funded research grant.  If the agency funds your proposal, your pay will increase to the 99th percentile.  If the agency does NOT fund the proposal, you will get a one-time bonus that is the equivalent of 1 percentile -- which will effectively raise your pay to the 92nd percentile."


Your Response:

1.    I accept your kind and generous offer.

2.    Only a 1 percentile bonus if I write a grant proposal but it is not funded? You'll have to do better than that!

3.    Yes, but externally-funded grants are a bit 'iffy' might even call them 'long shots.'  Can't you provide something internally, that is more of a 'sure thing'?