Dean Jones says:

"You make an excellent point.  I am willing to adjust my offer a bit. I'll raise the nine-month salary to the 71st percentile.


Here is the new contract package I'd like to offer you:

**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

**$1,000 for software to analyze data

**$10,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 71st percentile

**Required to teach three summer sessions, none of which count toward your teaching load

**Three-day a week teaching schedule."

How will you respond?

1.  "I accept your generous offer."

2.  Do you think that teaching THREE summer sessions will be the best use of my time?  Perhaps I should focus on my research, given that I'm not yet tenured... You have more experience and wisdom in these matters than I do.  What do you think would be best for my career?

3.  "Suppose that I agree to list your university as my 'dual affiliation' (along with my current school) on all of my current projects, as well as any new ones that I start there.  Those extra publications credited to your university by the accrediting agency should be worth something...Say, pay at the 85th percentile?"