Dean Jones says:

"Yes.  Let's discuss the software and hardware allocation. I've offered you the standard allocation that I offer every new hire:  $1000 for software and $10,000 for hardware.  I'm treating everyone equally.  What is the problem?"


1. Oh, you have been very generous.  However, that allocation will only cover 73.2% of my needs.  As you may know from my resume', I am doing highly specialized research that involves "data-scraping" from the Internet.  Such research requires a highly specialized computer with additional memory as well as a powerful processor --  and I also specialize software to analyze the data.  Therefore, I will need an allocation of  $13,661.21 for hardware, and just under $1,400 for software. 

2. Oh. If that is the standard allocation, then I guess I have no reason to ask for something different.  I want to be a "team player" so I'll agree.  Perhaps we can talk about my teaching load?