Dean Jones says:

"Like I said, the best I can offer you is this: 

I can guarantee a total of TWO conference trips for your paper presentations, if you agree to recruit faculty for our college, AND I can guarantee two extra trips where you do not present.

However, if you want to travel internationally, there is a university committee for that.  There is no guarantee, but you can submit a travel proposal and get funding that way.  The stipends are quite generous and will cover almost all of your expenses.  Be aware that there is no additional funding from my office.  However, if something is not covered by the International Travel Committee funding, it is tax deductible as it is considered a business trip." 

Your response:

1. "OK.  I guess that will have to do...I accept."

2. "Given that those are competitive grants, I guess I'd prefer something guaranteed by the College of Business."