Dean Jones says:

We really want to encourage undergraduate research at our university.  Do you think that six independent study projects is too many?  I suppose it is, if you give each project the attention it deserves...

Tell you what:  If you will agree to supervise FIVE independent study  research projects, then I will agree to the following: 

**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

**$1,400 for software to analyze data

**$16,700 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 64th percentile

**Required to teach three summer sessions, none of which count toward your teaching load

**Three-day a week teaching schedule."


1.  I accept your generous offer.

2.  I cannot possibly do more than two independent study projects each year -- one per semester.

3.  I asked for $22,000 for hardware and you offered $16,700.  Why don't we split the difference and you fund $19,350 for new equipment?