Assume that you are meeting with Dean Jones, dean of the College of Business.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Dean Jones says:

"Suppose we get down to business, shall we?  I've looked over your CV [curriculum vitae -- an academic's resume'] and I think the department made a good choice. I will be happy to hire you -- provided we can agree on the terms of your contract.  As you may know, tuition hasn't kept up with the costs of materials and lab equipment, so we have to be very careful about our costs."


How will you respond? (Please select an option from the menu below:)

1.   "I'm sure you'll find that I will do a great job as a teacher and researcher.  At the risk of 'tooting my own horn,' I know that you won't regret hiring me."

2.   "I understand..."

3.   "What 'contract terms' do you have in mind?"

4.   "What was it about my resume' that led you to think that I would be a good hire?"

5   "Why don't you folks just raise your tuition?  That sounds like a good way to 'Expand the Pie' to generate more resources."