Dean Jones says:

"Well, yes, we are at the 79th percentile and the 81st percentile and that is only two percentile points apart.  However, I don't see that you have made a compelling case for me to pay you more.

Let me look at your CV one more time...

(Silence as Dean Jones re-reads your resume' again...)


I see that you have been very active in some civic and religious organizations.  That is commendable.  You know, I've been looking for someone to be an "external liaison" with the surrounding community on behalf of our business school.  You know, go to Chamber of Commerce meetings, join a civic organization like the Rotary, get on a local Salvation Army board, that sort of thing.  IF you are interested, then I can pay up to the 80th percentile.


Here is the new contract package:

***Represent our college at two different civic and/or religious organizations  of your choice during the upcoming school year.

**ONE guaranteed trip to a conference each year for two years

**$1,000 for software to analyze data

**$10,000 for hardware (i.e., special computer processor and other equipment)

**A nine-month salary at the 80th percentile

**Required to teach THREE summer session; they will not count toward your teaching load for the regular academic year

**Three-day a week teaching schedule with extra-large classes.

**You will list our university as your "co-affiliation" on your current projects and list our university as your sole affiliation on projects that you start here."

Your response:

1.  That sounds great!  I'll do it, IF you pay at the 81st percentile.

2.  That sounds great!  However, teaching so many classes in the summer will severely limit my community outreach activities.

3.  That sounds great!  However, I'll need better software and hardware in order to become more efficient with my research program.