
The UWL Data Science Center (DSC)

The DSC partners with local companies to solve real problems in data science, machine learning, and statistics. The goal is to connect talented students with challenging problems to make an impact on the local community.
  • Research: collaborate with the faculty for consulting or publication.
  • Independent study: work with experienced students to tackle business challenges.
  • The industrial math class (MTH 480) : students spend a whole semester working on research problems provided by the industrial partner.
  • Paid internship: promote the company and recruit students through the center.
Student Benefits
  • Learn data science skills through hands on experience doing real projects.
  • Gain professional time management, writing and presentation skills.
  • Add a strong experience/skill to your resume.
  • Build professional network and connect with local companies.
  • Enter the early state of their data science career

Depending on your time commitment, your independent study may lead to undergraduate research projects/paper, presentations/poster at a professional conference or a potential internship at a company.  Based on what we collected from our former members, such experience made their resume stand out when applying for REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer Programs), graduate school, and internship/jobs.

How to apply
See past projects

If you need any guidance on job applications, here is a nice Tutorial made by our past students.