[William Ross' Home page]


Note:  Some article titles have hyperlinks to corresponding abstracts.

          Ross, W. H., Ross, S. C., & Maas, W.  (2024).  One more time:  What Should We Do With 'Gig' Workers?
	       	         Federal Legal Standards and State Developments.  Labor Law Journal, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. 97-110.  

           Ross, W. H.  (2021). Teaching Human Resource Management Students About Worker Centers.

                        Journal of Human Resources Education, Vol. 14, (No. 1), Cumulative Article #152

                        (Article #1 of the issue), 31 pages.  

                        Website:  https://journals.troy.edu/index.php/JHRE/issue/view/50


          Ballweg, C. Ross, W. H., & Secchi, D. (2021).  “Do I Want to Work for Him?” The Effects of

                       Variations in Content, Source, and Age of Managers’ Social Networking Information

                        on Prospective Job Applicants’ Attitudes. International Journal of Web-Based Communities,

                        Vol.  17, No. 3, pp. 217-246/

                        Website:  https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=116593

          Franklin, D. & Ross, W. H. (2020). Characteristics of Effective Trade Secrets and

                        Confidential Information Policies: Guidance from Labor Arbitration Cases

                        Labor Law Journal, Vol. 71 (1), pp. 43-57.  

                        Website:  https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/product/labor-law-journal/  

          Chen, J. V., Hiele, T. M., Kryszak, A., & Ross, W. H. (2019). Predicting intention to 
	        participate in socially responsive collective action in a social networking website group.
                        Journal of the Association for Information Systems.Vol. 21 (2), Article #6.
	       Website:  https://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/vol21/iss2/6/ 

          Ballweg, C., Ross, W. H., Secchi, D., & Uting, C.  (2019, August).  The Prevalence and

                        Influence of Managers' Social Networking Information on Prospective Job

                        Applicants. Evidence-Based HRM: A global forum for empirical scholarship,

                        Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 161-179.  An earlier version of this paper was  presented at the national

                        Academy of Management convention, August, 2013.


           Secchi, D., & Ross, W. H. (in press).  Analyzing Negotiation and Third Party

                       Dispute Resolution Procedures Through Distributed Cognition.  Journal of

                       Collective Negotiations.   In press.  An earlier version of this paper was

                        presented at the national Academy of Management convention, August, 2009.

Flores, W., Chen, J. V., & Ross, W. H. (2013).  The Effect of Variations in Banner Ad,

            Type of Product, Website Context, and Language of Advertising on Internet

Users’ Attitudes.  Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 37 – 47.   2012 Impact

Factor: 2.06.  An earlier version of this paper was presented at the

Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Management (TIIM) Conference,

Phuket, Thailand, May 29-31, 2013.

            Slovensky, R., & Ross, W. H. (2012).  Should Human Resource Managers use 

                        Social Media Information to Screen Job Applicants?  Managerial and Legal

                        Issues in the USA.  Info, Vol. 14, (1), 55 - 69. 

             Chen, J. V., Ross, W. H., & Yang, H. H. (2011).  Personality and Motivational Factors

                        Predicting Internet Abuse at Work.  Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial

                        Research on Cyberspace, Vol. 5, article 5.

            Pfleuger, P.R., Chen, J. V., & Ross, W. H. (2011).  Consumers' ethical perceptions of 

                         RFID in Retail.  International Journal of Radio Frequency Information Technology

                         Applications, Vol. 3 (1), 124 - 140.  [Special issue on the use of  RFID in management and marketing].

                        An earlier version of this paper was accepted for presentation at the

                        Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November, 2010.  

          Boland, M., & Ross, W. H. (2010).  Emotional Intelligence and dispute mediation in

                        escalating and de-escalating situations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology,

                        Vol. 40, (12), 3059 – 3105. 

         Bohnert, D. & Ross, W. H. (2010).  The influence of social networking websites on

                        The evaluation of job candidates.  Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking,

                         13, (3), 341 – 347. doi:10.1089/cyber.2009.0193.

         Ross, W. H., & Secchi, D. (2010). Using Distributed Cognition to re-design a

                         Collective Bargaining course.  Journal of Human Resource Education, Vol. 4, (4).

                        Available online at: http://business.troy.edu/JHRE/Issue.aspx?Volume=4&Issue=4                                                     

        Chen, J. V., Chen, K. C., & Ross, W. H. (2010).  Antecedents of Online Game Dependency -

                         the Implications of Multimedia Realism and Uses & Gratifications theory

                        Journal of Database Management, Vol. 21, (2), 69 - 99.  

            Ross, W. H., Meyer, C. J., Chen, J. V., & Keaton, P. (2009). The role of Human

                        Resource management in protecting information at telecommunications firms.

                        The Journal of Information Privacy and Security, 5, (1), 49 - 77.                                

                        An earlier version was presented at the Association for Global Business conference,

                        Newport Beach, CA:  Nov. 20 – 22, 2008.    

Chen, J. V., Ross, W. H., & Yen, D. C. (2009).  The effect of types of banner ad,

                        web localization and customer involvement on internet users’ attitudes.

                        Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 12, (1), 71 - 73.

           Chen, J. V., Kyaw, P. L. N., & Ross, W. H. (Oct-Dec., 2008). The customer journey when purchasing a new mobile phone:

                        Testing a dual mediation model. Journal of Direct, Data, and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol 10, No. 2, pp. 116 - 132.

           Chen, J. V., Ross, W. H., & Huang, S. F. (2008).  Privacy, Trust, and Justice Considerations for

                        Location-Based Mobile Telecommunication Services.  Info, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 30 – 45.        

Boland, M. & Ross, W. H. (2007).  The impact of Self-Monitoring on the negotiation of

      emotionally-laden and non-emotionally-laden issues.  International Journal of Management &

      Enterprise Development, 4, No. 6, pp. 674 - 692.

Chen, J. V., Ross, W. H., & Huang, S. F. (2007).  Responding to Consumer Fairness Concerns about Number

     Portability Policies.  International Journal of Mobile Communications, 5, No. 6, pp. 661 - 676

     An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Association for Chinese Management Educators’

     International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 – 29, 2006.  

            Ross, W. H., & Chen, J. V. (2007, Summer).  Labor Arbitrators Consider HIPAA: 

                   Guidance for Health Care Managers.  Labor Law Journal, 58, (2), 117 – 130.

Chen, J. V., & Ross, W. H. (2007).  Individual Differences and Electronic Monitoring at Work.

                  Information, Communication, and Society, 10, (4), 487 - 504. 

          Ross, W. H., Chen, J. V., & Huang, S. F. (2007).  Adapting different media types to trust development in the supply chain

                International Journal of Management & Enterprise Development, 4, (No. 4), 373-386. 

                An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Management International Conference, Portoroz’,

                Slovenia, November 23-25, 2006.

          Ross, W. H. (2006).  Should "Night Baseball" Arbitration be used in lieu of Public-Sector Strikes?  Psychological Considerations and

                Suggestions for Research.  Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 31, (1), 45-70. 


        Chen, J. V., & Ross, W. H. (2005).  The Decision to Implement Electronic Monitoring  at Work:


                 A Literature Review and a Set of Testable Research Propositions.  International Journal of


                Organizational Analysis, 13 (3), 244-268.


         Ross, W. H. (2005, Summer).  What Every Human Resource Manager Should Know About Web Logs.

                Society for the Advancement of Management (S.A.M.) Advanced Management Journal, 70, (3), 4-14.

        Ross, W. H. (2005, Summer).  Web Logs and Recruiting:  Directions for Future Research. 

                Communications of the ICISA, 7, (1), 1-12.

        Ross, W. H. (2004).  On Behalf of the I.W.W.:  Helen Keller's Role in  the Labor Movement.  Review of

                Disability Studies, 1, 70-79. (Co-authored)

        Ross, W. H. (2002).  The impact of hybrid dispute resolution procedures on constituent fairness judgments.

                Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, 1151-1188.  (Co-authored)

        Ross, W. H. (2002). Watching the detectives: Seasonal student employee reactions to electronic monitoring

                Personnel Psychology, 55, 329-362. (Co-authored)

        Ross, W. H. (2001). Interactive video negotiator training:  A preliminary evaluation of the McGill Negotiation Simulator. 

                Simulation & Gaming, 32, 451-468.  (Co-authored)

        Ross, W. H., & Conlon, D. E. (2000). Hybrid forms of dispute resolution: Theoretical implications of combining

                mediation and arbitration.  Academy of Management Review, 25 416-427.

       Ross, W. H. (2000).  Measuring success in mediation.  Mediation Journal, 1, 1-16.

        Ross, W. H., (1997). University Residence Hall Assistants as Mediators:

                An Exploratory Investigation of  the Role of Interpersonal Factors in Dispute Mediation.

               Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27, 664-707. (Co-authored)

         Conlon, D. E., & Ross, W. H. (1997). Appearances do count:  The effects of outcomes and explanations on

                disputant fairness judgments and supervisory evaluations.  International Journal of Conflict

                Management, 8, 5-37.

         Ross, W. H. (1996).  Multiple meanings of trust in negotiation theory and research:

                A literature reviewInternational Journal of Conflict Management, 7, 314-360. (Co-authored)

         Ross, W. H. (1996).  The effects of interpersonal trust and time pressure on managerial mediation

                strategy in a simulated organizational dispute.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 228-248. (Co-authored)

         Conlon, D. E., Carnevale, P. J., & Ross, W. H. (1994).  The influence of third party power and suggestions on

                negotiation:  The surface value of a compromise. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24,1084-1113.

         Conlon,  D. E.,  &  Ross,  W.  H.  (1993). The effects of partisan third parties on negotiator behavior and

                outcome perceptions.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 280-290.

         Ross,  W. H.  (1992).   Mediation control techniques: A  test  of  Kolb's 'Orchestrators' and

                'Dealmakers' model. International Journal of Conflict Management, 3,  319-341. (Co-authored)

         Ross, W. H.  (1992).  Attitudes toward South  East  Asian immigrants in a Wisconsin

                community.  International Migration Review, 26 877-898. (Co-authored)

         Conlon, D. E., & Ross,  W. H.  (1992).  The  influence  of  movement toward agreement  and

                third party intervention on negotiator fairness judgments.  The International Journal of

                Conflict Management, 3, 207-221.

         Ross, W. H.  (1990).  An  experimental  test  of  motivational  and content  control  on  dispute  mediation.

                Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 26, 111-118.

         Ross, W. H., Conlon, D.E., &  Lind,  E.A. (1990).   The mediator  as  leader:   Effects of behavioral style

                and  deadline  certainty  on   negotiator behavior. Group  and Organization Studies, 15, 105-124.

         Ross, W. H.,   &   Chaudhry,   S. S.   (1990).    Personnel/Human Resource Management microcomputer

                packages.  Omega:  The  International Journal of Management Science, 18, 415-423.


         Chaudhry, S. S.,  Betton, J.,  Ross, W. H., &  Xu, L. D. (1989). Integrating microcomputer software
                packages into the business curriculum.  Education & Computing, 4, 91-97.

         Chaudhry,  S. S.,  &  Ross,  W. H.  (1989).   Relevance Trees and Mediation.
                Negotiation Journal, 5, 63-73.


         Fassino,  F. J.,  &  Ross,  W. H.  (February, 1989).   Human  Resource Forecasting  in  the
                Classroom.  Academic Computing, 4, 26-29.

         Ross, W. H.  (1988).   Situational  Factors  and  Alternative Dispute Resolution.
                 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 24, 251-262.

         Ross, W. H. (1986).   The  Use  of  Integrative   Personnel  Cases in a Senior-Level
                Human Resource Management Class.  Journal of Management Case Studies, 2, 328-333.

         Kramer,  A.,  Ross,   W.  H.,  and  Donchin,  E.  (1981).    Individual differences  in  human
                information processing:  A chronometric analysis of the role of the graphic and phonological cues
                in a non-lexical decision task (abs.) Psychophysiology, 19, 330-331.

         Holley, W. H., Ross, W. H., & Wolters, R.  S. (2017).  The Labor Relations Process,

                         11th ed.  New York: Cengage.


            Ross, W. H., Newman, E., & Chen, J. V. (2015).  Human Resource Recruiting

                           and Selection using Cellphone Apps (Ch. 16).  In Z. Yan (Ed.)

                           Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior, Vol. 1, pp. 184-203.

                          Hershey, PA.


          Conlon, D. E., & Ross, W. H. (2012).  The Effect of Perceived (In)Justice on

                        Cooperativeness: Implications for Negotiators as “Justice-Enhancing

                        Communicators” in an era of Social Networking.  In D. Shapiro and B. Goldman

                        (Eds.) Psychology of Negotiations in the 21st Century Workplace (pp. 17-44).

                        New York, NY: Psychology Press/Routledge.       




        Bougon, M. G.,  Baird,  N.,  Komocar,  J. M.,  &  Ross,  W. H.  (1990).
                Identifying  strategic loops:  The self-Q interviews.  In  A. Huff (Ed.)  Mapping
                Strategic Thought, 327-354.  Chichester, West Sussex, England:  Wiley.



          Ross, W. H.   (1989).    Beliefs  of   Mediators  and   Arbitrators Regarding  the Effects of
                Motivational and Content Control  Techniques in Disputes.  In M.A. Rahim (Ed.)
                Managing  Conflict:  An Interdisciplinary Approach, 209-219.  NY: Praeger.




 Ross, W., & Slovensky, R. (2012).   Using the Internet to attract and evaluate job

                    candidates.  In Z. Yan (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior, Vol. 2, 537 - 549Hershey, PA.


       Ross, W. H. (2004).  Trust.  In W. E. Craighead and C. B. Nemeroff (Eds.)
         The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and NeuroScience, Third Edition.
                (pp. 1007-1009). New York: Wiley. [Entries also are in first edition].

       Ross, W. H. (2010).  Trust.  In W. E. Craighead and C. B. Nemeroff (Eds.)
         The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Fourth Edition,
                New York: Wiley (pp. 1810-1812). [Entries also are in an earlier edition].



        Ross, W. H. (2009). Review of Commitment in Organizations: Accumulated Wisdom and New Directions,

                by H.J. Klein, T. E. Becker, & J. P. Meyer (Eds.), New York: Routledge, 2009. 

                Administrative Science Quarterly, 54, (4), 680-683.


        Ross, W. H. (1997).  Looking back and looking forward:  Where do we go from here?
                Published peer review of "Cooperative and competitive goal approach to conflict:
                Accomplishments and challenges," by D. Tjosvold. Applied Psychology:  An International
                Review, 46, 44-47. (in press)

         Ross, W. H. (1990).  Review of Social Conflict:  Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement,
                by D. G. Pruitt and J. Z. Rubin, New York:  Random House, 1986. International Journal
                of Conflict Management, 1, 118-122.


 	Tomlin, B. & Ross, W. H. (in press, 2024). 'Miles and TechCo.':  Teaching Management Students About Motivation-Related 
		Topics Through a Case Study.   International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies,


        Dellger, M., Ross Jr, W. H., Eramudugoda, R. (2022). Using a Business Case to Teach Students about Time Management.

                        International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 13(2), 147-164.



       Ross, S. C. & Ross, W. H. (2019).  Human Resource Problems during Software Conversion at Johnson Regional Hospitals:

                A Teaching Case.  International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies,10 (4), 359-375


      Scott, Joseph & Ross, W. H. (2018).  The Greenlife Company: A Teaching Case Study in Management.

                        International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 9 (2), 109-130. 


     Ross, W. H., & Shabana, K. (2013).  “Horseplay” at the Textbook Processing Center. 

            Journal of Organizational Behavior Education, 6.


    Loersch, J., & Ross, W. H. (2009).  Negotiation Role-Play Exercise:  “What’s in

a Name?”  Conflict over Naming a Stadium. International Journal of Conflict

Management, , 20, (4), 398 - 419.


    Romportl, D. T., & Ross, W. H. (2010).  Bargaining strategy in Major League

            Baseball.  In Lewicki, R. J., Barry, B., & Saunders, D. M. (Eds.)  Negotiation:

            Readings, Exercises, and Cases, Sixth Edition (pp. 638 – 648)Burr Ridge, IL:

            McGraw-Hill.  An earlier version appeared  in Hodge, K. A. (Ed., 2007)

            Annual Advances in Business Cases, 2006.  Durango, CO:  Society for

            Case Research.  (pp. 182 – 193).  [Refereed Business Case with Teaching Note].  


    Proksch, B., Ross, W. H., & Estness, A. (2002).  “Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink:” 

            The River City – Town of Richland dispute.”  International  Journal of Conflict Management,

            13, 355-380. [refereed journal article describing a negotiation simulation with teaching note].

     Ross, W. H. (2001).  A survey of labor relations topics [term paper topics and accompanying

              references].  In Holley, W. H., & Jennings, K. M.  The Labor Relations Process, Seventh

             Edition, Instructor's Manual. Hinsdale, Il:  Dryden.  Earlier compilations appeared in the

                      fifth edition (1994) and third edition (1987).


     Hannum, B. S., & Ross, W. H. (1993).  River City Marsh Conflict. International Journal of

            Conflict Management, 4, 355-379 [refereed negotiation simulation and teaching note].


     Ross, W. H. (1992).  The Hormel Strike at Austin Minnesota.

             International Journal of Conflict Management, 3, 45-68 [refereed case] (co-authored).


    Briggs, P., & Ross, W. H. (1992).  Collective Bargaining at Magic Carpet Airlines:  A

            Union Perspective.  In B. Meadows (Ed.)  1991 Annual Advances in Business Cases.


     Ross, W. H. (1989).  Jerry's Performance Appraisal [class exercise].

            In D. Marcic-Hai (Ed.) Organizational Behavior:  Experiences and Cases, Second Edition.  St. Paul: West.


     Ross, W. H. (1989).  The AIDS Incident.  [class exercise].

            In D.Marcic-Hai (Ed.) Organizational Behavior:  Experiences and Cases, Second Edition. St. Paul: West.


     Ross, W. H. (1989).  Freida Mae Jones [teaching note].

            In D.Marcic-Hai (Ed.) Organizational Behavior:  Experiences and Cases, Second Edition. St. Paul: West.


     Ross, W. H. (1989).  Rambush Company [teaching note].

            In D.Marcic-Hai (Ed.) Organizational Behavior:  Experiences and Cases, Second Edition. St. Paul: West.


     Ross, W. H. (1989).  The appraisal of administrative assistants at Row Engineering.

            In J. Ivancevich, & W. Glueck,  Foundations of Personnel. Plano, TX: BPI.


    Ross, W. H. (1987).  The River City Library Case.  In P. Fisher (Ed.) Annual Advances in Case Research, 1986.

            Vermillion, SD:  South Dakota University (refereed).  The case is also reprinted in Dunham, R., & Pierce, J.

            (1989).  Management. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, and Company, 636-639.


    Ross, W. H. (1986).  Applied motivation exercise.  In  D. Hai (Ed.) Organizational Behavior:

            Experiences and Cases, Instructor's Manual.  St. Paul, MN:  West.



    Ross, W. H., Triandis, H. C., Chang, B. H., & Marin, G. (1982).  Work values of Hispanic and Mainstream
            naval recruits.  U.S. Navy Technical Report No. 8, NR170-906. Department of Psychology, University of Illinois
            at Urbana-Champaign.

Citations, According to "Google Scholar" 

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